Tuesday, July 2, 2013

101 things in 1001 days - waiting for update

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

101 things in 1001 days

101 things in 1001 days.
Starting: June 13, 2012    Ending: March 11, 2015
Note: Completion of all or any of these items does not equate with living a full and meaningful life. Living a full meaningful life can only be accomplished with God's grace and by following the vocation and path that He has laid out for me. These items are just for fun and/or to help me become a better person in the little things.
Italics means that the task is in the process
Bold means that it has been completed!

1.    Read The Help 
(would totally read it again and recommend it to anyone)
2.    Finish the Hunger Games Series
3.    Read the Lord of the Rings Trilogy
4.    Go to court with Dad
5.    Once a month for a year look for graduate programs in
 Clinical Social Work (0/12)
6.    Read a Dave Ramsey book
7.    Read 1 book a month (5/33)
8.    Take an advertising and Marketing class
9.    Take a class on Law (definitely child advocacy if possible)

10.  Visit Grandma Garvey in Medford
11. Write 1 happy letter every month to a different friend (6/33)
12. Finish Sofia's cell phone cover
13. Go on a sibling date with each of my siblings (6/8)
14. Make friends scrapbook
15. Make a scrapbook for Mom
16. Give Mom a "Just for Fun" present
17. Smile at strangers on the street everyday for a week. (0/7)
18. See grandma and grandpa in Pheonix
19. Visit Brianna in Albuquerque

20. Volunteer at a soup kitchen or homeless shelter
21. Visit Little Sisters of the Poor
22. Read all of Paul's letters
23. Have a LDM with the family
24. Have a LDM with friends in LV
25. Read the whole Bible (starting with the book of Job)
 in no particular order
26. Go on a silent retreat

27. Throw a "Favorite Things Party"
28. Make knitted cable scarf
29. Learn to ride a long board
30. Go on a tour of a city on a road bike
31. Visit Maggie in Jeff City (To happen in November!!!)
32. Go on a "fancy" date
33. Go camping with the girlfriends
34. Go on a boat ride.
35. Hike to the bottom of the Grand Canyon
36. Try a new drink at the bar.
37. See a musical/play (saw Taming of the Shrew in London!)
38. Throw a surprise Party
39. Go Salsa Dancing
40. Make up a new word
41. Ride the Buffalo Bill Roller Coaster in Primm
42. Picnic on Lone Mountain
43. Go water skiing
44. Camp on the beach
45. Go to Michael Buble concert

46. Do a tri-athalon
47. Run a 1/2 marathon with Julianna
48. Work out 5 days a week for a month
49. Work on posture!
50. Go gluten free for a month
51. Run 2 half marathons I have never run before
52. Run a 5k in 22 mins.

53. Deactivate my Facebook for 1 month 
(Started June 13, 2012 End: July 13, 2012) failed: try again!)
54. Scrapbook Sophomore year at BC
55. Scrapbook pictures from Study Abroad
56. Plan weekend trips while in Italy
57.  Accomplish something on my Pinterest "To Do List" Board
58. Try one new recipe every month on Pinterest (0/33)
59. Make and stick to budget for 2 months in a row (0/2)
60. Make bed every day for a year (84?/365)
61. Give blood
62. Memorize a song on the guitar
63. Drink wine in Rome
64. Graduate college
65. Golf 18 holes
66. Learn how to play poker
67. Learn how to play blackjack

68. Make skirt for myself
69. Make knitted cable scarf
70. Buy a pair of skinny jeans
71. Buy a pair of wedges and wear them
72. Get a pedicure
73. Get hair styled for a Party or big event

74. Save money for a car
75. Put $50 toward student loans every month of the school year
76. Live in the present, Trust in God, and Hope for the future.

77. Take a class to learn how to write HTML
78. Go night golfing
79. Help teach Julianna how to drive80. Drive a Vespa in Europe
81. Do a random act of kindness everyday for a week (0/7)
82. Road trip up & down PCH in Ca.
83. Go wine tasting (in Siena, Italy)

So obviously there aren't 101 things on this list, but I did that on purpose! 
Now I can add more things to my list during those 1001 days! 

Anyone want to accomplish one of my goals with me? Let me know! 

*Note:  I really like checking things off of lists
**Self Reminder: If I accomplish any/all of these things I will be happy
 and if I DON'T accomplish any/all of these things 
I will still be happy, because I know I'm loved =]

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