Monday, August 27, 2012

Quick update from London

We made it safe and sound! Thank you for all of your prayers! I've been up for  2 & 1/2 days now with about 6 hours of sleep, so this will be quick. Sleep is quickly approaching. 

Today we went all around London, avoiding sleep at all costs to try to get into a normal sleep pattern. Our little studio vacation apartment in Hammersmith is quaint. The food has been good. I'm getting really good at using the Tube and I love English accents, English people, and English style. (they are so stylish here!)

Here is a little preview of a later, more thorough post of frolicking in London...

Keeping dry near the London Eye.

Serious napping was in order after that flight.
to be continued...
I will update more in a few days! Tomorrow will be another day of adventures! God bless you all!


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